Led the San Francisco Bay Area No on Prop. 19 campaign and successfully defeated Prop. 19-legalization of marijuana for entertainment purposes in California.
In the November 2010 election, we led the San Francisco Bay Area No on Prop. 19 campaign and successfully defeated Prop. 19, thus stopping the legalization of marijuana for entertainment purposes in California. We won since truth is on our side.
If Prop. 19 were passed, cities and counties would have to create laws individually to regulate the sales, consumption, transportation, and cultivation of marijuana, leading to complete chaos and endless lawsuits. It would bring disastrous consequences to Californians in law making and enforcement, business, education, growth of youngsters, living environment, and property value while certainly did not guarantee any increase in net income to the government. The expenses on law making and enforcement and associated social services due to marijuana usage might be more than the tax revenue suggested.
Prop. 19 also violated the Federal Law and could cause California businesses and schools to lose Federal contracts and funding.
None of us wants our children to use drug and be in a perilous situation. The growth and health of our future generations cannot be compromised regardless! Attached is our coalition statement
If Prop. 19 were passed, cities and counties would have to create laws individually to regulate the sales, consumption, transportation, and cultivation of marijuana, leading to complete chaos and endless lawsuits. It would bring disastrous consequences to Californians in law making and enforcement, business, education, growth of youngsters, living environment, and property value while certainly did not guarantee any increase in net income to the government. The expenses on law making and enforcement and associated social services due to marijuana usage might be more than the tax revenue suggested.
Prop. 19 also violated the Federal Law and could cause California businesses and schools to lose Federal contracts and funding.
None of us wants our children to use drug and be in a perilous situation. The growth and health of our future generations cannot be compromised regardless! Attached is our coalition statement